Posted in attitude

Through my Window

I glanced out of my window and was amazed by at the mighty mountain,

How strong and high headed it appeared!

But when the humans chisel it through n through,

Even into a tunnel it gets teared.

The asynchronous rivers flow all over it,

Like creepers they twirl and swirl around.

The trees trying to find their way to stand erect,

Torrential winds passing through the valleys, making their own melody and sound.

So much to learn from you, I told him,

You epitomize the way to live.

How to stand tall with head held high,

When all you do is give!!


Through the lens of Jayati


A lover of God's creations, a professional by choice but a writer driven by passion. Infinity is the word that makes me wonder where we belong to and that makes me write. A dental surgeon, nutritionist, dietitian, content writer, lover of French language, i believe that life is a process of continuous exploring and learning.

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