Posted in happiness, inspiration, poetry, soul connection



In my thoughts as i sit today…

Kept gazing at some point.

Contemplating why everyone is so different…

Why can’t humanity just unwind?

No one knows where one comes from..

and to which place one will go.

Neither does one know that the person in front..

in which direction his boat would row.

Yet people scuffle and ruin their present..

Thinking they are there forever..

as if just being melancholic..

is their only endeavor.

One should always be grateful..

For at least he exists.

You never know when your story..

.. may take an expeditious twist.

I rejoice each day as it comes,

‘ cause its beautiful and everything divine..

All the birds chirp for me, all enchanting flowers are mine.

The water in the streams, buzzes all the while

The breeze whistles in my ears,

The sky says I am eternally free.!

To life i just say CHEERS!


A lover of God's creations, a professional by choice but a writer driven by passion. Infinity is the word that makes me wonder where we belong to and that makes me write. A dental surgeon, nutritionist, dietitian, content writer, lover of French language, i believe that life is a process of continuous exploring and learning.

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